Global Wine Market Outlook, Beyond Coronavirus 2020

The world of wine is massive. We at VCM tend to highlight just the European wines since that is what backs your fine wine investments, but actually wine is produced on all continents except Antarctica. This means that the wine industry is as big as its geography is wide!
Press Release Vinito Capital Management’s Ethereum coin, VINX, now trading on the Bitcratic Exchange

Vinito Capital Management releases VINX, its first fine wine and vineyard backed STO coin
A fine wine and vineyard investment company launches an asset backed Ethereum cryptocurrency token.
Press Release Vinito Capital Management’s Ethereum coin, VINX, now trading on the Saturn Network

Vinito Capital Management releases VINX, its first fine wine and vineyard backed STO coin
A fine wine and vineyard investment company launches an asset backed Ethereum cryptocurrency token.
First Quarter VCM Wine Investment Fund Results

US equity markets delivered their worse quarterly performance since the Great Recession of 2008. To put it another way, your portfolio never needed diversification and protection as much as it does right now. Asset classes which have resisted to the COVID-19 are very rare.
Press Release VINX Coin Launch
![VINX COIN [Stable-Coin] Security Token Offering Now Open to Public](,ret_img,w_1024/ 1024w,,ret_img,w_300/ 300w,,ret_img,w_768/ 768w,,ret_img,w_1200/ 1200w)
Vinito Capital Management releases VINX, its first fine wine and vineyard backed STO coin
A fine wine and vineyard investment company launches an asset backed Ethereum cryptocurrency token.
Announcing the launch of VINX, Vinito Capital Management’s first STO

At VCM we are set to release our very first STO coin, called VINX, by March 2nd. VINX removes the high cost to enter the fine French wine and vineyard ownership markets.