Over the last weeks we presented the wine returns compared to other asset classes and why it can deliver high performance and still be uncorrelated to the financial markets. Our token, VINX, is the world’s first stable coin, 100% backed by wine and vineyard investment funds. Even if we are the first to develop that kind of asset, we are not the only one that thinks of token as the future of finance.
Vanguard thinks token as part of the future of finance
In an interview, Warren Pennington, Global Head of Investment Management at Vanguard Personal Services, also consider tokens as the next big thing in finance, as it will not concern only cryptocurrency, but traditional asset classes. Here is Mr. Pennington, talking about this development within Vanguard:
“The third space is new and better markets. So the financial markets exist, they’re different in terms of the way they run. Every asset class has its own market effectively. You have over-the-counter markets, like bonds, where basically every bond is its own market or you have exchange-traded instruments, where they’re electronic. But all of them could be improved. So when you work on the new and better markets, it opens up the idea of new asset classes as well. So maybe we could tokenize or digitize alternative asset classes and give that exposure to the retail client. Allows them to have a better diversified portfolio, have a better chance of hedging against negative events to have uncorrelated exposures the portfolio of theory. The more you can incorporate that, the better it is. That’s available to only a few now and Vanguard’s mission is that retail client to democratize the opportunity to invest”
The two main things to keep in mind after reading this are, firstly, tokens represent a huge opportunity in term of market size, as it will break some barriers, almost anyone could invest in it. Secondly, token makes real assets like wine, art, or real estate more accessible, liquid, because you can own a part of it by a token that you can easily buy and sell on an exchange, which is a lot simpler than investing in a physical building or a vineyard.
This is a win-win relation, retail clients will have access to new assets classes, which allow them to diversify their portfolio and reduce the risk of their entire portfolio. Meanwhile, investment companies and businesses will have a wider range of potential investors and less trouble to raise capital.
Big news for VINX, and many more to come…
As we offer the first token backed by wine and vineyard, our goal is to democratize wine investment around the world, and we have good news. As some of you may know, VINX is currently listed on Saturn Network, and Bitcratic which are two decentralized exchanges, but that’s not all… VINX will be listed soon on Big One, which is one of the biggest exchanges for crypto currencies and tokens of the world! It is only the start for VINX, but it’s looking good so far.
VINX is growing every day and there is many more to come, stay tuned in the next weeks because news will keep coming and we will take the next step very fast…